Gibraltar September, 2008
rock shrouded in fog, seen from La Linea anchorage
Airplane in pedestrain crosswalk. To walk back to the boat we had cross the runway on foot. Cars and busses used the road as well, but all traffic stopped for airplanes.
the ancient world
the modern world
view of old port from top of rock
theater with seats in St. Michael's cave
monkeys on top of rock
siege tunnel marker
Alex & cannon, siege tunnels
Polish historical note, siege tunnels
view of la Linea from siege tunnels. La Linea is in Spain - Spain starts just on the other side of the runway (see the road) - so we anchored in Spain and walked across to Gibraltar.
WW2 tunnels
Jock's Balcony lookout, WW2 tunnels
downtown Gibraltar
view of wall, gates & town
tunnels seen from outside
cradle of history
kite flying in anchorage, la Linea
tanker and mini-tanker
leaving Gibraltar
Morroccan coast, strait of Gibraltar